Course Description

Whether you are a coffee barista, wine sommelier, café owner, tea aficionado, or anyone in between, who would like to improve their tea offering to guests, we will equip you with the skill, and in-depth knowledge that goes into making a truly fantastic cup of tea that will delight guests and enhance the overall dining experience.

The course provides you with the required skills and knowledge to work effectively as tea connoisseurs, providing advice, selection, preparation and service of specialty teas across a range of hospitality and related services industry sector.

The course will be delivered over a 2-day face-to-face workshop, supported with online learning activities with a duration of around 15 – 20 weeks. The course includes, Research and provide information on specialty teas, Provide specialty tea service for customers, and Conduct ceremonial tea practices which are all designed to give students solid understanding of traditional tea practices as well knowledge and skills to deliver exceptional and modern tea service.


Tea 101: The History and Origin of Tea

Learn about China - the land where tea originated - and follow tea's path through history as it spread throughout southeast Asia and eventually to Europe and the rest of the world. Here we will cover the origin tales of tea, including those that are considered more credible and those that are more mystical in nature. You will also discover how tea has shaped different societies around the world throughout the centuries.


Tea 102: Tea Growing Regions of the World

Learn about the world's most famous growing regions, including China, Japan, Korea, Sri Lanka, India, Kenya, Taiwan, Indonesia, and Nepal. Each country has its own unique style and terroir, leading to the hundreds of different and beautiful teas we see produced today.


Tea 103: Correct Tasting Terminology and Tea Cupping

Discover the correct ways to describe tea when conducting a professional tasting session, as well as how to properly cup the tea. This is a vital ability in your career as a Tea Sommelier, and will determine how well you are able to describe teas to your customers.


Tea 104: Types of Tea and Grading Tea

Understand the six different types of tea, as well as herbal tisanes. Discover what makes a green tea green and a black tea black, all the while learning about the different grades that can be given to these teas depending on their type, and often their country of origin as well. 


Tea 105: The Processing and Manufacturing of Tea

Know the specifics about how teas are manufactured and produced, and even learn a few techniques to create your own basic green tea from scratch! This unit contains vital information about the chemicals found naturally within tea and how they are altered and fashioned into the beautiful leaves we place into our cups.


Tea 106: Tea Service and Preparation

Here we teach you to follow best practices when it comes to actually serving tea to consumers, including how best to steep it and how to elegantly present it to the customer. You will also learn superior customer service skills, which will help you to deal with customers of all natures while maintaining a professional attitude and approach.


Tea 107: Tea and Food Pairing

This unit will prime you to pair up tea and food in pleasing and harmonious ways, offering your customers the best taste experience with their chosen tea and meal. Learn about which types of tea tend to pair well with which foods, as well as specific flavour that are poised to be placed together.


Tea 108: Tea Menu Development, and Purchasing and Storing Tea

Develop your own perfect tea menu, providing a wide variety of teas that compliment and contrast each other. This unit will also teach you how best to purchase your tea (sourcing high quality teas for the best prices) and effectively store it to get the longest shelf life.


  • Provided Material

    A large variety of tea samples, nose cup, tasting set, Tea Sommelier Handbook, flavour wheel, magnifying glass, spoon and ruler.

  • Tea 101 Online Course

    Receive complimentary access to our Tea 101 class based online. This tea training provides a strong, basic foundation-level of tea knowledge, to assist you with your Tea Sommelier course.

  • Contact

    Receive your personalized contact course assistant whom will be there every step of the way from sign up to completion of the post class modules.


  • Matthew Petrucci

    NSW Educator/Ambassador

    Matthew Petrucci

    Matthew is a lifelong tea lover and small tea business owner, who is passionate about enhancing the modern tea experience. Beginning with the joys of the family urban garden, Matthew began a career in hospitality and later specialised in tea with training from Australian Tea Masters. His personal interests are tea and fine food pairing, organic tea cultivation and innovative tea preparation. He is the resident tea master and blender, educator and writer for Endeavour Tea.
  • Russ  & Moira Wood

    New Zealand Tea Educators/Ambassadors

    Russ & Moira Wood

    Russ and Moira, both qualified Tea Masters, are keenly involved in delivering tea experiences and education to a growing and enthusiastic New Zealand audience. Their perspectives and knowledge comes from their own experience in Tea hospitality. With a deep respect for all that Tea is, they are able to blend in a unique southern pacific take on how tea is developing and being rediscovered. Russ and Moira both come from a background of years owning and operating their own businesses in both hospitality and service.
  • Ivan Knez

    Queensland Educator/Ambassador

    Ivan Knez

    Ivan KNEZ travelled the world to expand his appreciation for tea, and for all that goes into the process of growing, picking, blending and serving the finest infusions. He found himself profoundly moved by the rich heritage he unearthed and was struck by the realisation that, just as delicate notes of flavour are imbued by variations in climate, the enjoyment of tea has been significantly shaped by diverse and vibrant cultures. These worldly encounters fundamentally shaped his vision of revolutionising the way that people experience tea. It is his unyielding conviction that tea should be presented, indulged and celebrated in correspondingly lavish surroundings, with the appropriate devotion and diligence. He, therefore, partners with the most highly regarded hospitality professionals who specialise in refinement and grandeur, to provide and educate in the service of tea at its highest level.

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